Good Agricultural Practices for greenhouse vegetable production in the South East European countries. Principles for sustainable intensification of smallholder farms [Text] / ed. W. Baudoin [et al.]. - Rome : Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2017. - 434 p. : рис., табл. - (FAO plant production and protection paper, ISSN 2070-2515 ; № 230). - Библиогр. в конце разд. - ISBN 978-92-5-109622-2 : Б. ц.
Приложения: с. 415-428

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Доп.точки доступа:
Baudoin, W. \ed.\; Nersisyan, A. \ed.\; Shamilov, A. \ed.\; Hodder, A. \ed.\; Gutierrez, D. \ed.\; De Pascale, S. \ed.\; Nicola, S. \ed.\; Chairperson, V. \ed.\; Gruda, N. \ed.\; Urban, L. \ed.\; Tany, J. \ed.\; Duffy, R. \ed.\
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