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Hohere Wirksamkeit der Agrarforschung durch wissenschaftlich-technische Information/Akademie der Landwirschaftswissenschften der DDR, Institut fur Landwirtschaftliche Information und Dokumentation. Vortraege zur Tagung der Informationsstellenleiter der Land-, Forst- und Nahrungsguterwirtschaft anlaesslich des 20-jaehrigen Bestehens des Instituts fur Landwirtschaftliche Information und Dokumentation, Berlin, der Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der DDR (Vom 16. bis 19. Maerz 1982; Sellin/ Rugen). - 1982

Towards improving global information on aquaculture. - 2005

Greenfield H. Food composition data: production, management and use/H. Greenfield, D. A.T. Southgate ; ред.: B. A. Burlingame, U. R. Charrondiere. - 2003

Мониторинг рынков сельскохозяйственных товаров на основе информационных систем/Региональное отделение ФАО по странам Европы и Центральной Азии, Институт системных исследований в АПК Национальной академии наук Беларуси. - 2010

Omuto C. State of the Art Report on Global and Regional Soil Information: Where are we? Where to go?/C. Omuto, F. Nachtergaele, R. V. Rojas. - 2013

Meaden G. J. Advances in geographic information systems and remote sensing for fisheries and aquaculture/G. J. Meaden, J. Aguilar-Manjarrez. - 2013

Fish identification tools for biodiversity and fisheries assessments/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2013

Руководство по стратегии электронного сельского хозяйства. Реализовано в некоторых странах Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, Европы и Центральной Азии/Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций. - 2018

Status of implementation of e-agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Insights from selected countries in Europe and Central Asia/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2018

E-agriculture in action: Blockchain for agriculture opportunities and challenges/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Telecommunication Union. - 2019

Трендов Н. М. Цифровые технологии на службе сельского хозяйства и сельских районов/Н. М. Трендов, С. Варас, Цзэн Мэн. - 2019

Status of Digital Agriculture in 18 countries of Europe and Central Asia/International Telecommunication Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2020

Benedetti F. Global soil spectroscopy assessment. Spectral soil data: needs and capacities. 2020/F. Benedetti, Egmond van F.. - 2021

Impact tokenization and innovative financial models for responsible agrifood supply chains/E. Vahouny [et al.]. - 2021

The AquaCrop model: enhancing crop water productivity. Ten years of development, dissemination and implementation 2009–2019/M. Salman [et al.]. - 2021

Technical guidance for the implementation of e-notification systems for food control/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2022

Guide on digital agricultural extension and advisory services. Use of smartphone applications by smallholder farmers/The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2023

Technical guide for the adaptation, biodiversity and carbon mapping tool - ABC-Map/D. Dionisio [et al.]. - 2023

Digital transformation and land administration. Sustainable practices from the UNECE region and beyond/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, International Federation of Surveyors. - 2022

Participatory video in agrifood systems and digital environments/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2023
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