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 1-20    21-27 

Survey of the structure of the sawmilling industry in the ece/fao region/Prep.by J.Fahys. - 1995

Guidelines for the design of agricultural investment projects/FAO. - 1993

Guidelines for the conduct of a training course in farming systems development /FAO. - 1990

Baland J.-M. Population pressure and management of natural resources /Baland J.-M., Platteau J.-P.; FAO. - 1996

Roberts R. A. J. Livestock and aquaculture insurance in developing countries/R. A. J. Roberts. - 2007

Crossley P. Rural transport and traction enterprises for improved livelihoods/P. Crossley, T. Chamen, J. Kienzle. - 2009

Strategy and outline plan for improving information on status and trends of aquaculture/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Rome). - 2008

Report of the FAO expert workshop on indicators for assessing the contribution of small-scale aquaculture to sustainable rural development, Tagaytay City, The Philippines, 6 - 8 August 2009/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2010

Neate P. J. H. Promoting the growths and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops. Best practices and options for decision making/P. J. H. Neate, R. G. Guei. - 2010

African seed enterprises. Sowing the seeds of food security/Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. - 2011

Santacoloma P. Cost-effective management tools for ensuring food quality and safety for small and medium agro-industrial enterprises/P. Santacoloma, R. Cuevas Module 1: Use of market information for improving quality management. - 2011

Santacoloma P. Cost-effective management tools for ensuring food quality and safety for small and medium agro-industrial enterprises/P. Santacoloma, R. Cuevas: Facilitators' manual. - 2011

Santacoloma P. Cost-effective management tools for ensuring food quality and safety for small and medium agro-industrial enterprises/P. Santacoloma, R. Cuevas Module 3: Application of quality management principles in small and medium agro-industrial enterprises. - 2011

Santacoloma P. Cost-effective management tools for ensuring food quality and safety for small and medium agro-industrial enterprises/P. Santacoloma, R. Cuevas Module 4: Planning as a tool for improving quality and safety management. - 2011

Santacoloma P. Cost-effective management tools for ensuring food quality and safety for small and medium agro-industrial enterprises/P. Santacoloma, R. Cuevas Module 2: Systems and tools for improving quality and safety management in agro-industries. - 2011

Report of the FAO Workshop on International Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries, Rome, 7-10 February 2012/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2012

Zander R. Credit guarantee systems for agriculture and rural enterprise development/R. Zander, C. Miller, N. Mhlanga. - 2013

Kahan D. The role of the farm management specialist in extension/D. Kahan. - 2013

Zaibet L. Value chain development, value addition and development of nwfp-based rural microenterprises: Tunisia/L. Zaibet. - 2016

Analysis of the forest sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. EU funded project "Preparation of IPARD Forest and Fisheries Sector Reviews in Bosnia and Herzegovina". - 2015
 1-20    21-27 
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