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Jansson H. Status of Sulphur in Soils and plants of thirty countries/Jansson H.; FAO. - 1995

Protein quality evaluation/FAO. - 1991

Forest Resources of Europe, CIS, North America, Australia, Japan and New Zealand (industrialized temperate/boreal countries)/United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2000

Syers J. K. Efficiency of soil and fertilizer phosphorus use. Reconciling changing concepts of soil phosphorus behaviour with agronomic information/J. K. Syers, A. E. Johnston, D. Curtin. - 2008

Challenges and opportunities for carbon sequestration in grassland system/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Plant Production and Protection Division. - 2010

Grassland carbon sequestration: management, policy and economics. Proceedings of the workshop on the role of grassland carbon sequestration in the mitigation of climate change, Rome, April 2009/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2010

Climate change mitigation finance for smallholder agriculture/L. Lipper [et al.]. - 2011

Soil carbon monitoring using surveys and modelling. General description and application in the United Republic of Tanzania/R. Makipaa [et al.]. - 2012

A methodology for greenhouse gas emission and carbon sequestration assessments in agriculture. Supplemental materials for info note series analysing low emissions agricultural practices in USAID development projects/U. Grewer [и др.]2016

FAO-IPCC expert meeting on climate change, land use and food security 23-25 January 2017. - 2017

Global forest resources assessment 2020/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2018

Measuring and modelling soil carbon stocks and stock changes in livestock production systems. A scoping analysis for the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership work stream on soil carbon stock changes/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2019

Measuring and modelling soil carbon stocks and stock changes in livestock production systems. Guidelines for assessment/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Version 1. - 2019

Forestry for a low-carbon future. Integrating forests and wood products in climate change strategies/Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. - 2016

Five practical actions towards low-carbon livestock/Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. - 2019

Small-scale aquaponics food production: integrated fish and plant farming/C. Somerville [et al.]. - 2014

Understanding the role of ruminant systems on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health in selected Central Asian countries. An assessment of ruminant systems and grassland soils in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan/J. C. Lopes [et al.]. - 2021

Recarbonizing global soils. A technical manual of recommended management practices/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Vol.1: Introduction and methodology2021
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