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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      

The impact of pesticide residues on the gut microbiome and human health. A food safety perspective/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2023

International code of conduct on pesticide management. Guidance on the monitoring and observance of implementation of the code of conduct/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization. - 2023

Protecting pollinators from pesticides. Urgent need for action/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2022

Synthesis report on the environmental and health impacts of pesticides and fertilizers and ways to minimize them/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization. - 2022

Monitoring global progress on antimicrobial resistance: tripartite AMR country self-assessment survey (TrACSS) 2019-2020. Global analysis report/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Organisation for Animal Health, World Health Organization2021

Pesticide residues in food 2018. Joint FAO / WHO Meeting/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization. - 2019

TAPE Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation 2019. Process of development and guidelines for application. Test version/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2019

Руководство по организации производства помидор в отапливаемых теплицах в Республике Армения. Проект ФАО ООН "Развитие потенциала для укрепления продовольственной безопасности и питания в отдельных странах Кавказа и Центральной Азии"/Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций, Институт отраслевого питания. - 2018

Soil pollution: a hidden reality/N. R. Eugenio [et al.]. ; рец. G. M. Pierzynski [et al.]. - 2018

The pollination of cultivated plants/Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Vol. 1. - 2018
 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      
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