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 1-20    21-24 

Aspects determining the risk of pesticides to wild bees: risk profiles for focal crops on three continents/H. Valk van der [et al.]. - 2013

Caceres C. The FAO/IAEA Spreadsheet for Designing and Operation of Insect Mass Rearing Facilities. Procedures Manual/C. Caceres, P. Rendon, A. Jessup. - 2012

Climate change impacts on twenty major crop pests in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Southeastern Europe/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, University of Bonn. - 2021

Community-Based Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). Monitoring, early warning and management. Training of trainers manual/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, CAB International Informaton Services. - 2019

Crops, browse and pollinators in Africa. An initial stock-taking/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2007

Crops, weeds and pollinators. Understanding ecological interaction for better management/M. A. Altieri [et al.]. - 2015

Edible insects - Future prospects for food and feed security/A. Huis [et al.]. - 2013

Gallai N. Guidelines for the economic valuation of pollination services at a national scale/N. Gallai, B. E. Vaissiere. - 2009

Good beekeeping practices for sustainable apiculture/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Istituto zooprofilatticosperimentale del lazio e della Toscana M. Aleandri, Apimondia, Chinese academy of agricultural sciences. - 2021

Grieg-Gran M. Handbook for participatory socioeconomic evaluation of pollinator-friendly practices/M. Grieg-Gran, B. Gemmill-Herren. - 2012

Guidance for packing, shipping, holding and release of sterile flies in area-wide fruit fly control programmes/ред. W. Enkerlin. - 2007

Guideline for packing, shipping, holding and release of sterile flies in area-wide fruit fly control programmes/ed.: J. Luis Zavala-López, W. R. Enkerlin2017

IX International Congress on cactus pear and cochineal CAM crops for a hotter and drier world(2017;Coquimbo). Crop ecology cultivation and uses of cactus pear/IX International Congress on cactus pear and cochineal CAM crops for a hotter and drier world (2017 ; Coquimbo) . - 2017

Kjohl M. Potential effects of climate change on crop pollination/M. Kjohl, A. Nielsen, N. C. Stenseth. - 2011

Looking at edible insects from a food safety perspective. Challenges and opportunities for the sector/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2021

Policy analysis paper: mainstreaming of biodiversity and ecosystem services with a focus on pollination/T. Rose [et al.]. - 2015

Pollinator safety in agriculture/M. Allara [et al.] ; ed. D. W. Roubik. - 2014

Protecting pollinators from pesticides. Urgent need for action/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2022

Rapid assessment of pollinators’ status. A contribution to the international initiative for the conservation and sustainable use of pollinators/Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. - 2008

Technical guidance on fall armyworm. Coordinated surveillance and an early warning system for the sustainable management of transboundary pests, with special reference to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda [J.E. Smith]) in South and Southeast Asia/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2022
 1-20    21-24 
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