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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-73 

African seed enterprises. Sowing the seeds of food security/Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. - 2011

Water for agriculture and energy in Africa. The challenges of climate change. Report of the ministerial conference 15 - 17 December, 2008, Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiria. - 2011

Investment in agricultural mechanization in Africa. Conclusions and recommendations of a Round Table Meeting of Experts/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Centre for Agricultural Mechanization and Rural Technologies. - 2011

Rakotoarisoa M. A. Why has Africa become a net food importer?/M. A. Rakotoarisoa, M. Iafrate, M. Paschali. - 2011

Доклад о работе шестой сессии Подкомитета по аквакультуре, Кейптаун, Южная Африка, 26-30 марта 2012 года/Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций, Комитет по рыболовству. - 2012

Soil carbon monitoring using surveys and modelling. General description and application in the United Republic of Tanzania/R. Makipaa [et al.]. - 2012

Report of the FAO working group on the assessment of small pelagic fish of Northwest Africa, Banjul, the Gambia, 18-22 May 2010/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2011

Report of the Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Bringing together Responsible Fisheries and Social Development, Maputo, Mozambique, 12-14 October 2010/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2011

Promoting the growth and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2010

Report of the fourth meeting of the RECOFI Working Group on Fisheries Management, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 3-5 october 2010/Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Regional office for the Near East and North Africa. - 2010

Knight R. S. Statutory recognition of customary land rights in Africa. An investigation into best practices for lawmaking and implementation/R. S. Knight. - 2010

Climate change and food systems resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Institute for Sustainable Development. - 2011

Neate P. J. H. Promoting the growths and development of smallholder seed enterprises for food security crops. Best practices and options for decision making/P. J. H. Neate, R. G. Guei. - 2010

Akande G. Post-harvest losses in small-scale fisheries. Case studies in five sub-Saharan African countries/G. Akande, Y. Diei-Ouadi. - 2010

Regional strategy for the control of African swine fever in Africa/Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. - 2017

Strengthening coherence between agriculture and social protection to combat poverty and hunger in Africa. - 2016

Фомина О. Н. Пищевые продукты. Требования к качеству и контроль безопасности по международным и европейским стандартам/О. Н. Фомина, Г. С. Фомин ; рец.: М. Л. Мамиконян, Л. М. Шалова. - 2017

OECD-FAO agricultural outlook 2018-2027. Special focus: Middle East and North Africa/Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - 2018

Veterinary laboratory testing protocols for priority zoonotic diseases in Africa/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2023

Global report on the state of dietary data/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Intake – Center for Dietary Assessment. - 2022
 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-73 
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