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Журнал «Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия аграрных наук»- результаты поиска

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"30 лет Содружеству Независимых Государств: итоги и перспективы", международная научно-практическая конференция(2021;Минск). 30 лет Содружеству Независимых Государств: итоги и перспективы/"30 лет Содружеству Независимых Государств: итоги и перспективы", международная научно-практическая конференция (2021 ; Минск) , Национальная академия наук Беларуси, Исполнительный комитет СНГ, Международная ассоциация академий наук, Межгосударственный фонд гуманитарного содружества государств-участников СНГ. - 2021

"500 гадоу беларускага кнiгадрукавання", мiжнародны кангрэс(13;2017;Мiнск). 500 гадоу беларускага кнiгадрукавання/500 гадоу беларускага кнiгадрукавання", мiжнародны кангрэс (13 ; 2017 ; Мiнск) , Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі. XIII Мiжнародныя кнiгазнаучыя чытаннi (13 ; 2017 ; Мiнск) Ч. 1. - 2017

500 гадоу беларускага кнiгадрукавання", мiжнародны кангрэс(13;2017;Мiнск). 500 гадоу беларускага кнiгадрукавання/Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі. XIII Мiжнародныя кнiгазнаучыя чытаннi (13 ; 2017 ; Мiнск) Ч. 2. - 2017

"Actual environmental problems", International scientific conference of young scientists, graduates, master and PhD students(7;2017;Minsk). Actual environmental problems/Belarusian state university, Establishment of Education "International Sakharov Environmental Institute". - 2017

Biotechnologies for agricultural development/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2011

"Chemistry, structure and function of biomolecules", international conference(6;2018;Minsk). Chemistry, structure and function of biomolecules/National academy of sciences of Belarus, The department of chemistry and earth sciences, Institute of bioorganic chemistry, Belarusian republican foundation for fundamental research. - 2018

Developing an environmental monitoring system to strengthen fisheries and aquaculture resilience and improve early warning in the lower Mekong basin/comp.: C. Virapat, S. Wilkinson, D. Soto. - 2017

"Development of voluntary guidelines for the sustainability of the Mediterranean diet in the Mediterranean region"(2017;Valenzano). Development of voluntary guidelines for the sustainability of the Mediterranean diet in the Mediterranean region/ed.: A. Meybeck [et al.]. - 2017

"Environmental knowledge and policy innovation between East and West. Lessons learned and not?", open science conference(2019;Minsk). Environmental knowledge and policy innovation between East and West. Lessons learned and not?. - 2019

"Exploring the human rights-based approach in the context of the implementation and monitoring of the SSF Guidelines", workshop FAO(2016;Rome). Exploring the human rights-based approach in the context of the implementation and monitoring of the SSF Guidelines/ed.: S. Yeshanew, N. Franz, L. Westlund. - 2017

FAO/WHO international symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition(2016;Rome). Proceedings of the FAO/WHO international symposium on sustainable food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition, 1-2 december, 2016 FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy/Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, World health organization. - 2018

Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2010

"GFCM High-level conference towards enhanced cooperation on Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture"(2016;Bucharest). GFCM High-level conference towards enhanced cooperation on Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture/ed. A. Srour [et al.]. - 2017

International symposium on agroecology(2016;Kunming). Report of the international symposium on agroecology in China. Kunming, Yunnan, China, 29-31 August 2016. - 2017

IX International Congress on cactus pear and cochineal CAM crops for a hotter and drier world(2017;Coquimbo). Crop ecology cultivation and uses of cactus pear/ed.: P. Inglese [et al.]. - 2017

Iсторiя освiти, науки i технiки в Україні/Нацiональна академiя аграрних наук України, Нацiональна наукова сiльськогосподарська бiблiотека, Рада молодих вчених НААН. - 2017

"Nematodes of small grain cereals. Current status and research", proceedings of the Fifth International Cereal Nematode Initiative Workshop(2015;Ankara). Nematodes of small grain cereals. Current status and research/ed.: A. A. Dababat, H. Muminjanov, R. W. Smiley. - 2015

"Planning for aquaculture diversification: the importance of climate change and other drivers"(2016;Rome). Planning for aquaculture diversification: the importance of climate change and other drivers/ed.: B. Harvey [et al.]. - 2017

"Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries", international conference(11;2019;Florence). Book of abstracts QQML 2019/European university institute. - 2019

Report of the thirty-ninth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Milan, Italy, 25-29 May 2015/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2016
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