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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-72 

Befs assessment for Turkey. Sustainable bioenergy options from crop and livestock residues. - 2016

Better management practices for carp production in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia/A. Woynarovich [et al.]. - 2011

Climate change impacts on twenty major crop pests in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Southeastern Europe/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, University of Bonn. - 2021

Constituents of the essential oil of Origanum vulgare subsp. Hirtum growing wild in Turkey/M. M. Ozcan [et al.] // Плодородие почв и эффективное применение удобрений. -Минск, 2011.-С.175-177

Determination of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and magnesium levels of the apple gardens in Karaman region/F. Er [et al.] // Плодородие почв и эффективное применение удобрений. -Минск, 2011.-С.172-175

Forest Atlas/Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs General Directorate of Forestry. - [2013]

Geographic information technologies in precision agriculture applications/E. Tusat [et al.] // Плодородие почв и эффективное применение удобрений. -Минск, 2011.-С.178-181

In vitro antioxidant activity of various extracts of whole plant ofconvolvulus phrygius bornm., endemic to Turkey/R. Mammadov [и др.] // Современные технологии сельскохозяйственного производства. -Гродно:ГГАУ, 2014. Ветеринария. Зоотехния.-С.141-143

Jeney Z. Technical manual on broodstock management of common carp and chinese herbivorous fish/Z. Jeney, V. Bekh. - 2020

Kalemci V. Water quality seasonal investigation in the coastal areas of Gulluk Bay (Southeast of Aegean Sea-Turkey)/V. Kalemci, A. Demirak, F. Keskin // Экологический вестник. -Минск, 2015,N № 1(31).-С.14-19

Koyshibayev M. Guidelines for monitoring diseases, pests and weeds in cereal crops/M. Koyshibayev, H. Muminjanov. - 2016

National gender profile of agricultural and rural livelihoods Turkey. - 2016

"Nematodes of small grain cereals. Current status and research", proceedings of the Fifth International Cereal Nematode Initiative Workshop(2015;Ankara). Nematodes of small grain cereals. Current status and research/ed.: A. A. Dababat, H. Muminjanov, R. W. Smiley. - 2015

Practice of conservation agriculture in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan/A. Nurbekov [et al.]. - 2016

Report of regional workshop to the fisheries and aquaculture sector education, training and resarch needs in central Asia, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 12 -14 January 2010/Food and agricultural organization of the United Nations. - 2011

Report of the second intergrovernmental meeting on the establishment of Central Asian and Caucasus regional fisheries organization, Trabzon, Turkey, 3-5 June 2009/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2009

Report of the second steering committee meeting to prepare for the third intergovernmental meeting on the establishment of the Central Asian and Caucasus fisheries and aquaculture commission, Ankara, Turkey, 24-25 February 2010/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2010

Report of the third intergovernmental meeting on the establishment of the central Asian and caucasus regional fisheries and aquaculture commission, Trabzon, Turkey, 30 November - 1 December 2010/Food and agricultural organization of the United Nations. - 2011

Report of the twenty-eighth session of the European inland fisheries and aquaculture advisory commission, Lillehammer, Norway, 17–19 June 2015/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2016

Tusat E. Reallocation of agricultural lands through land consolidation; a case study of Gevrekli (Turkey)/E. Tusat, F. Sari, F. D. Mikailsoy // Экологический вестник. -Минск, 2017,N № 2(40).-С.101-105
 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-72 
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