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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-39 

Вихман А.А. Иммунофизиологический статус рыб - объектов аквакультуры/Вихман А.А.; Ком. РФ по рыболовству, Всерос. НИИ прудового рыбного хоз-ва. - 1994

Report and proceedings of the symposium on aquaculture development - partnership between science and producers associations, Wierzba, Poland, 26 - 29 May 2004, held in connection with the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission twenty-third session, Wierzba, Poland, 26 May - 2 June 2004/European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Symposium (26 - 29 May 2004 ; Wierzba) . , Session (23 ; 26 May - 2 June 2004 ; Wierzba). - 2006

"FAO Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the assessment of proposals to amend appendices I and II of cites concerning commercially-exploited aquatic species"(2;2007;Rome). Report of the second FAO Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the assessment of proposals to amend appendices I and II of cites concerning commercially-exploited aquatic species. - 2007

Roberts R. A. J. Livestock and aquaculture insurance in developing countries/R. A. J. Roberts. - 2007

Urban aquaculture/ed. B. Costa-Pierce [et al.]. - 2005

Comparative assessment of the environmental costs of aquaculture and other food production sectors. Methods for meaningful comparisons. FAO/WFT Expert Workshop, 24-28 April 2006, Vancouver, Canada/ed. D. M. Bartley [et al.]. - 2007

Guidelines to meet insurance and other risk management needs in developing aquaculture in Asia/Ph. A. D. Secretan [et al.]. - 2007

Study and analysis of feeds and fertilizers for sustainable aquaculture development/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2007

Report of the workshop on establishing a coordinating working party on aquaculture statistics/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - 2008

Пономарев С. В. Фермерская аквакультура/С. В. Пономарев, Л. Ю. Лагуткина, И. Ю. Киреева ; рец.: А. Ф. Сокольский, Ф. М. Магомаев. - 2007
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