Заглавие журнала :Фізіологія рослин і генетика -2020г. т.52,N 2
Интересные статьи :
Rybalka O. I. Colored grain of wheat and barley - a new breeding strategy of crops with grain of high nutritional value/ O. I. Rybalka, V. V. Morgun, B. V. Morgun (стр.95-127)
Yaroshko O. M. PCR analyses of first-generation plants of Amaranthus caudatus L. after "floral-dip" genetic transformation/ O. M. Yaroshko [и др.] (стр.128-139)
Yakymchuk R. А. Grain quality of productive Triticum aestivum L. mutants, induced by technogenic contamination of the environment/ R. А. Yakymchuk (стр.140-151)
Rogach V. V. Morphogenesis, photosynthesis and productivity of eggplants under the influence of growth regulators with various action/ V. V. Rogach [и др.] (стр.152-168)
Ivashchenko І. V. Biochemical features of the introduced population of Artemisia dracunculus L. (Asteraceae) in Central Polissia of Ukraine/ І. V. Ivashchenko, D. B. Rakhmetov, O. M. Vergun (стр.169-178)
Morgun V. V. To the Opening of the Memorial Plaque to the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine D.M. Grodzynskiy/ V. V. Morgun, V. V. Schwartau (стр.179-181)
Gudkov I. M. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the First All-Union Symposium on Plant Radioblogy at the Institute of Plant Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR/ I. M. Gudkov (стр.182-184)
Интересные статьи :

Доп.точки доступа:
Rybalka, O. I.; Yaroshko, O. M.; Yakymchuk, R. А.; Rogach, V. V.; Ivashchenko, І. V.; Morgun, V. V.; Gudkov, I. M.; Morgun, B. V.; Kiriziy, D. A.; Rakhmetov, D. B.; Schwartau, V. V.; Velykozhon, L. G.; Stasik, О. О.; Vergun, O. M.; Gajdosova, A.; Andrushenko, O. L.; Kuchuk, M. V.; Rogach, T. I.